We have company coming to visit… YAE! This also means we have one last day to get the house really deep down clean. I LOVE a clean house but I HATE toxic chemicals!
I have always been a “cleaner” every since I was a kid. As a kid growing up in a house with a dad that worked construction, a mom that loved to garden, two cats and a dog keeping a clean house was a challenge. My sister and I did our best to help out but would often get overwhelmed and focus on our own rooms instead LOL.
Looking back I remember cleaning just about anything that struck me in the moment; the oven, the basement, the garage, nick-nacks covered in nicotine tar, you name it. What was I using to clean those items? Whatever I found… comet with bleach, ammonia and water, bleach and water, glass cleaner with ammonia, etc.
A kid pitching in to clean is great if there is guidance and no harsh chemicals in use. When I was a kid I didn’t ask for guidance, I didn’t wear gloves, I didn’t make sure the room was well ventilated and I often mixed dangerous chemicals like ammonia and bleach (YIKES). I realized this was a bad idea once when I ended up dizzy and nauseated. Later, when I told my mom what I cleaned the bathroom with she was less than happy with my choices and explained the danger. OOPS…. TOO LATE! (Here I have been thinking my forgetfulness is a product of a lack of sleep HA!)
Now-a-days I take a much more knowledgeable, healthy, earth friendly approach to cleaning as I still LOVE a clean house but I seriously DISLIKE toxic chemicals.
We primarily use white distilled vinegar (5% acidity) to clean the house now… from the carpet, to the linoleum, to the walls, countertops, and even the bathrooms! This means clean, germ free and the best part…. NON TOXIC! I could actually eat my household cleaner now (not that I recommend this) and it will not hurt me. Let’s face it though if you have infants and toddlers putting their mouths on toys you’ve cleaned or surfaces you’ve cleaned they ARE eating it!
We also use 3% hydrogen peroxide for extra germ fighting power when needed and baking soda for an abrasive when needed.
Using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to clean is EASY and inexpensive too.
Side Note: Most wholesale stores (Sams, Costco etc) sell vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda in large quantities and lower prices.
To start purchase 3 spray bottles (one that is not clear) so you can have 3 different cleaning powers. In our house one spray bottle has full strength white vinegar (5% acidity), one has a 50/50 vinegar/water, and the third non-clear spray bottle has 3% hydrogen peroxide (Be sure to mark all three clearly).
Side Note: I have always used white vinegar because I also use it on carpet stains so I do not want to use apple cider vinegar due to the yellow tint. If you’re looking at cleaning recipes on the internet some do use apple cider vinegar… they both equally effective as long as they are at least 5% acidity vinegar.
Bathroom, kitchen sink, cutting boards, doorknobs, fruit and veggie wash etc: use full strength vinegar spray… full strength kills the most germs… let sit after sprayed at least 10 minutes then wipe (for fruits and veggies rinse instead of wipe) (http://www.apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com/vinegar-as-a-disinfectant.html)
Adding a spray of 3% hydrogen peroxide will increase the efficacy even further. (http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arch/9_28_96/food.htm)
Side Note: If you choose to use the hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle be sure to get one that is dark and/or not clear. Direct light will cause the hydrogen peroxide to decompose and turn to water and oxygen.
Cleaning kitchen sink or bath tub: Spray the tub with the full strength vinegar and then sprinkle with baking soda. Let sit about 10 minutes then scrub clean and rinse. (http://www.doityourself.com/stry/vinegarbakingsoda#b)
Linoleum (mopping): I love this recipe for the floors from Care2.com
Floor Cleaner with Fragrant Herbs
1/8 cup liquid natural dish soap, 1/4 to 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar, 1/2 cup fragrant herb tea (peppermint is great as it adds antibacterial qualities)... add these ingredients to a standard 1 gal mop bucket with about 1 liter of hot water.
(original recipe: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/vinegar-antiseptic-floor-wash.html )
Standard cleaning of countertops, carpet spills, toys, high chairs, windows etc: spray bottle with 50/50 vinegar and water.
Side Note: If your cleaning because of a cold or virus that went through the family… use full strength vinegar and the full strength hydrogen peroxide spray together (http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arch/9_28_96/food.htm)
Now if Drew gets crafty enough to get past the child safety locks on the cabinets and gets into my cleaners he will find vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. That’s a drastic difference from bleach, ammonia or products containing bleach and ammonia. What’s in your cabinet?
Well written Sylvia! I will def. be referring back to this :)
Posted by: anne gokey | 09/23/2011 at 09:55 AM
Sylvia, you've inspired me to think about changing the way I clean around my home. Thanks so much for this amazing information. It is so simple and clear!
Posted by: Alexis Thompson | 09/23/2011 at 10:44 AM
Thank you Anne and Alexis =) There are many recipes out on the internet that add dish soap, alcohol, and even essential oils. I've tried them but find that it is much easier to keep it simple then to constantly make cleaning recipes. Now if you're someone like my sister that does not like the smell of vinegar adding a couple drops of essential oils will definitely help, such as tea tree oil or citrus oil etc. I'm so use to vinegar now though that I barely smell it.
It is amazing how well the vinegar works on carpet... I got this tip from a carpet specialist that came out to my house in DBN, MI to get a tough stain out that didn't come out with professional steam cleaning. He used white vinegar and tada gone! I've been using it every since... I even use it in place of store bought carpet cleaner in my home carpet steam cleaner.
I'm glad this info might be useful to someone. =D
Posted by: Sylvia K. | 09/23/2011 at 12:59 PM
I have swaped the bucket and mop for a shark steam cleaner for the floors, and add vinegr to the water! Steam is a natural way to sanitize! Love it. I will make better use of my hydrogen peroxide now syl, thanks!
Posted by: jaime limotte | 10/05/2011 at 11:05 AM