After our up close and personal with the "Jurassic deck spiders" I needed a break from the backyard adventures this morning. Drew had a great time at Gymboree and was ecstatic to go as he's been asking for weeks now... "Mom, gymree today?" The best part actually came at the end as we were walking out Drew stops, turns to look at the remaining gymsters and instructors and says while waving "Bye-Bye, Friends! See you later." This is one kissable pumpkin muffin ;-)
One of the things I have learned while being a mom... you don't always get what you want (lol). We pulled into the driveway and as soon as Drew was out of the car he was off to the jungles known as "the backyard" (insert scary movie sounds here hehehe).
Sometimes you have no choice but to buck-up, swallow your fears (of your backyard) and follow. HA! Turns out I am glad I did. "The bushes" once known as spider cove were teaming with butterflies and moths of all sorts. Standing on the deck it was like being in our very own butterfly sanctuary. This is one of the many reason I could never use pesticides to rid us of the scariest of spiders... Besides my issues with infertility and cancer, I would also be ridding us of one of natures prettiest creatures, the butterfly. Sometimes you have to stop and think for example, "If I am poisoning the grubs am I also poisoning the worms and birds? a.k.a. What is my ripple effect?" (Now clearly if our spiders or other insects that we found happened to be poisonous then we'd have to consider the safest removal of them for us and the good bugs.)
Drew put it perfectly as we stood and watched.... "Mom, look the butterflies are dancing!"
Now I'm not going to lie standing on the deck made all the hairs on my body stand on end and when the cicada buzzed me while I was taking pictures I nearly came unglued! The adventure was worth it as we enjoyed the more pleasant side of nature in our backyard today. This was our journey... p.s. nothing is going to jump out at you ;-D
Monarch and Buckeye
Drew gardening ;-)
Any idea what my new comer is?
Humming Bird Moth
My moms favorite... Monarch Butterfly
Gold Finch... peek a boo!
Time for a nap...
Scott has a butterfly named MaryAnn..I called him last Saturday Morning to wish them a Happy Anniversary about 9:15 a.m. and asked what he was doing and he saide he was watching MaryAann..I laughed and new right away he meant a butterfly..The story goes your Mom gave him a butterfly plant that never blossomed or attracted butterfly's until she passed away..When she was gone it bloomed and now every year it continues to bloom and attracts a MaryAnn..LOL I wanted him to post a pic so you could see and I told him all about your butterfly garden..I just knew you would Love this true for his Pic I don't know when he'll post..Love, Aunt Kathy
Posted by: Aunt Kathy | 08/30/2011 at 05:10 PM
Awe, that just made me tear up. A good tears but tears nevertheless. Cindy and I always say "Hi Mom", when we see a Monarch or a Hummingbird. Ok, maybe not just a "tear up" now I am crying (hahaha...I'm laughing at myself for crying lol). Thank you for sharing this. Love you, Syl XOXO
Posted by: S. K. | 08/30/2011 at 06:08 PM